Tom Riddle

A musical by Anon E. Mouse based on Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita

Oh, What a Circus
On This Day of the Brand-New Sun
Now, Tom, Beware Your Ambition
World of Magic
Another Classroom in Another Hall
Goodnight And Thank You
Tom Riddle's Got Potential
Slug Club Meeting / The Art of Profit
Surprisingly Bad For You
Hello And Goodbye
Tom's Latest Choices
New World of Magic
The Dark Lord's Speech
Dark Lord's Publication
Our True Master
New Recruits Kept Rolling in from Every Station
High Flying, Adored
Death Eaters Worldwide
Interview with Voldemort
The Prophecy Discovered
We Must Still Love Him
Voldemort's Rebirth
Dumbledore's Conclusion

Copyright 2006 by Anon E. Mouse

Oh, What a Circus

To the tune of the same name

DUMBLEDORE (standing over the Pensieve):
Oh what a circus! Oh what a show!
The wizarding world has gone to town.
Over return of dark wizard known as Lord Voldemort.
We've all gone crazy
Dreading every next night,
Falling over ourselves shivering from
Of the ultimate fright.

Oh what a comeback! That's one way to go!
When they're bringing your curtain down
Come back just as loudly as Lord Voldemort
It's quite a statement
And good for his movement in a roundabout way
He's made the front page of all the world's papers today.

But who is this Dark Lord, really?
Why all this howling hysterical terror?
What kind of power has lived among us?
How will we ever be dealing with him?

He had his moments--he had some style
The best show in town was the crowd
Outside the Magic council crying, "You Know Who"
But that's just the start
As soon as the smoke from fires clears
We're all going to see what he's been doing for years!

You have succeeded, Tom Riddle,
You have become immortal.
That's what you wanted
And now you have it,
But in exchange you gave up your soul.

Sing you fools! But you got it wrong
Enjoy your prayers because you haven't got long
Your king is dead, your king is through
It's just his shell that came back to you

The dark spell that kept you alive
I suspected it back in 1945
The illusion is gone, your image worn thin,
That's a bad state for a leader to be in.

Tom Riddle gave a performance on stage
Instead of ideas he shared his rage
Instead of help he brought in a crowd
He didn't say much but he said it loud

Sing you fools? But you got it wrong
Enjoy your prayers because you haven't got long
Here is your king, dead through and through
Tom Marvolo Riddle came back to you

An image of eleven-year-old Tom Riddle appears in the Pensieve

I am Tom Marvolo Riddle,
This name is all that my mother left me.
One day I'll learn what is it's true meaning,
One day I'll know, where I came from.
My one true purpose, I will uncover.
My one true purpose, I will uncover.

That's how it all began.

Images of the orphanage emerge from the Pensieve

Now young Tom Riddle had every disadvantage you need
If you're going to succeed.
No money, no class, no father, no bright lights--
There was nowhere he'd been at the age
Of eleven, as yours truly had found out.
Of all the events I found myself in the middle
As the first man to be of use to Tom Marvolo Riddle.

Dumbledore is replaced with an image of his younger self from the Pensieve

On This Day of the Brand-New Sun

To the tune of On This Night of a Thousand Stars

DUMBLEDORE (walking toward the orphanage):
On this day of the brand-new sun,
Let me take you to brand-new world.
Where magic indeed exists,
As children's books you were told.

In the glow of the rising sun
There's whole other world you'll see.
On this day in a million days,
Come away with me.

You'd never guess you had such power within - today you'll learn what you can do.
You are alone without purpose of your own, but soon I'll show it to you.
And soon your grief will disappear and all troubles that you fear wont be their anymore.
Soon the magical news this old wizard will bring at your door.

On this day…
On this day…
On this day of the brand new sun,
Let me take you to brand new world.
Where magic indeed exists,
As in books you were told.

Now, Tom, Beware Your Ambition

Written to the tune of Eva, Beware of the City

DUMBLEDORE: (in Tom Riddle's room)
To think that in a place as messed up as this one can find a boy with a gift.
Come be a part of Hogwarts School. Discover power of magic.

I'll/You'll get to be a part of Hogwarts school. Discover power of magic.

It must be a lie. I bet you're a doctor. They want to get rid of me, send me away.

As strange as it sounds I'm telling the truth. I can offer a proof right away.

Dumbledore casts a spell and sets the closet on fire

Now what's that in you closet, trying to get out?
Can it be the things you stole?

The things I stole? What are you talking about?

At Hogwarts we have no tolerance for stealing.
Like anywhere we have rules that you should follow.
Return it all, and I will overlook it.
Just this once -

TOM: (laying out all the stolen goods for returning)
I want to be a part of Hogwarts school. Discover power of magic.
(aside) Would I put up with all this if I hadn't thought, if I hadn't know
This is my true calling?

MRS. COLE: (sticks her head in the door)
I don't really know what school you have come from,
But whatever it is, it will do him good.
He simply does not fit in around here,
He is traumatized, misunderstood.

She disappears

Hogwarts can be a paradise, for someone as gifted as you are.
If you apply yourself you can go far.
Although if you wish to remain in the Muggle world…

Forget the Muggle world, I will never accept them.
My mother must've been one of them, or she wouldn't die.
My father must be wizard, but he had abandoned me.

MRS. COLE (reappears for a moment):
This one boy had caused so much trouble.

Now Tom, beware your ambition
For Hogwarts has rules. We value control
Those who are fools are swallowed up whole
And those who are not become
What they should become
You must learn or things can go bad.

TOM: (aside)
Bad is good for me--I'm bored, so lost and so ignored
I've only been predictable--respectable!
Birds fly out of here so why oh why oh why the hell can't I
I only want variety--of society!
I want to be a part of Hogwarts School. Discover power of magic!

I'll/You'll get to be a part of Hogwarts School. Discover power of magic.

Tomorrow I shall come back,
I will help you find the Diagon Alley,
To get to the school, you will need your supplies.
There is a school fund
It will pay for it all,
Student like you indeed qualifies.

All you've done for me--was that a little boy's fantasy?
Just give me address, I'll find it myself.
I have always been doing things for myself.
You have no need to help me.

I'm going to be a part of Hogwarts School. Discover power of magic!

I'll / You'll get to be part of Hogwarts School. Discover power of magic!

Now Tom, here are the directions.
Talk to the bartender, not hard to remember.
He shares your name
He'll show you way to the Diagon Alley.
So get everything you will need and remember
The magic world still has it's rules, so remember,
Although it is not quite the same. It is still a life.
Time to start your new life.

World of Magic

To the tune of Buenos Aires

TOM RIDDLE (at Diagon Alley):
What's new, World of Magic?
I'm new--I want to say I'm just a little stuck on you
You'll be on me too!

I get out here, World of Magic
Stand back--you ought to know what'cha gonna get in me
Brand new wizard of high quality!

He joins a group of kids going through stores

Fill me up with your heat, with your noise, with your tricks, bring it to me
Let me dance to your beat, make it loud, let it hurt, run it through me
Don't hold back you are certain to impress
Tell the world this is where I'm staying.

Tom appears from Madam Malkin's store in wizard's robe

Hello World of Magic!
Get this--just look at me, dressed up somewhere to go,
We'll put on a show!

Tom picks out a wand at Olivanders and immediately performs spells, as other kids applaud

Take me in at your flood, give me speed, give me lights, set me humming
Shoot me up with your blood, wine me up with your spells, watch me coming
All I want is a whole lot of success
Tell the world that's the game I'm playing

Tom enters Platform 9 ¾

Stand back, walls of Hogwarts!
Because you ought to know what'cha gonna get in me
Brand new wizard of high quality!

On the Express

And if ever I go too far
It's because of the things you are,
Beautiful world - I just love it!
And if I need a moment's rest
Give this world all the best
I'll explore beyond and above it.

He joins in a group in one of the compartments

It's a game, it's a treat, we will shine to the death, start a show
We're fresh, we are tough, we shall have rise high above, I just know.
Put me down for a lifetime of success
Give me credit--I'll find ways of paying

He is on the boat, going toward Hogwarts castle

Every spell, every force, every power source, every trinket.
All I want to know!

In the Great Hall, Tom walkstoward the Sorting Hat

Stand back, walls of Hogwarts!
Because you oughta know what'cha gonna get in me
Brand new wizard
Brand new wizard
Brand new wizard of high quality!


Another Classroom in Another Hall

To the tune of Another Suitcase in Another Hall

TOM: (later going through a crowded castle corridor)
I don't expect the things to go easy for me
Never fool myself that my dreams will come true
Being used to trouble I anticipate it
But all the same I hate it--wouldn't you?
So what happens now?

CHORUS OF STUDENTS: Another classroom in another hall.

So what happens now?

Climb the steps and reach another floor.

Where am I going to?

You'll get by you always have before

Where am I going to?

Call in three months time and I'll be fine I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I won't recall the names and places of each sad occasion
But that's no consolation--here and now
So what happens now?

Another classroom in another hall.

So what happens now?

Climb the steps and reach another floor.

Where am I going to?

You'll get by you always have before

Where am I going to?

Slughorn appears from around the corner and puts his hand on Tom's shoulder

Don't ask anymore.

Goodnight And Thank You

To the tune of Goodnight And Thank You

The Scene: at the Slug Club party Tom sits at the table with Abraxas Malfoy, Lestrage Sr., Avery Sr. and, Nott Sr., while Slughorn is personally walking various guests to the door

Good night and thank you, Dirk Cresswell.
You've got your new job, so be well at Gringotts.
I don't mean to nag, but do write time to time.
Keep in touch with you teacher, that isn't a crime.
Do share ideas and thoughts.

Oh, but it's said when good friends say goodbye,
But we will be keeping in touch.
If you need anything you can count on me…

Which means…

There is no-one, no-one at all
Never has been and never will be a good friend
Mage or Muggle
Who hasn't an eye on
In fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on
Their friends and
They're hoping all the good friends will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them
Don't judge us
You're the same

Good night and thank you, Barnabas.
You have got your new job, got to love Daily Prophet.
I don't mean to whine, but please don't forget,
All of my support, which I do not regret.
I hope our ties you won't forfeit.

Oh, but it's said when good friends say goodbye,
But I have a dept to repay.
If you need anything you can count on me…

Which means…

There is no-one, no-one at all
Never has been and never will be a good friend
Mage or Muggle
Who hasn't an eye on
In fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on
Their friends and
They're hoping all the good friends will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them
Don't judge us
You're the same

Good night and thank you, Ambrosius.
Your business is ready for launch.
I don't mean to hint, but won't you admit,
I took a part pretty much.

Oh, but it's said when good friends say goodbye,
But you are a part of it all
Be ready investments you've made will return…

Which means…

There is no-one, no-one at all
Never has been and never will be a good friend
Mage or muggle
Who hasn't an eye on
In fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on
Their friends and
They're hoping all the good friends will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them
Don't judge us
You're the same

Good night and thank you, Gwenog, m'girl.
You are a celebrity now.
I just can not help, but it feels like I have
Helped you achieve it somehow.

Oh, but it's said when good friends say goodbye,
But you have made me what I am.
Tickets to each game are as good as yours…

Which means…

There is no-one, no-one at all
Never has been and never will be a good friend
Mage or Muggle
Who hasn't an eye on
In fact they rely on
Tricks they can try on
Their friends and
They're hoping all the good friends will help them or keep them
Support them, promote them
Don't judge us
You're the same

This is the club everybody should join.
Ones who don't see it are fools.
Hardships of life can be hardly a breeze,
When one can alter the rules.

School work is not tough as far as it goes,
But for true success, everyone knows,
To make it far one must monopolize
And have his hand in all kinds of pies.
Oh, but it's sad, people don't realize.

Images of the party get sucked into the Pensieve, Dumbeldore appears next to it. He summons images of WWII from the Pensieve

Tom Riddle's Got Potential

To the tune of The Lady's Got Potential

In early 1940s, when the wars shook the world,
The wizard world was threatened by Dark Wizard Grindelwald,
Who saw no need to be elected.

He had himself a party at the point of a wand,
The ones who tried resisting had to face a firm hand.
A blast or two and very few objected.

The Ministry Aurors were blown of like flies.
Ka-pow, Die
They stubble and fall
Bye bye
Backs to the wall
Aim high
We're having a ball
The chaos endures when the unity dies.

Tom Riddle's got potential, he was setting his sights.
We all had no doubt that we'll see his name in light.
Meanwhile, yours truly had a score to settle.

OK, so I neglected my students for some time.
But weighting the priorities is not a big crime.
It's hard to teach and take part in a battle.

Images of wizards dueling, Dumbledore among them, emerge from the Pensieve

By year '45 Grindelwald met his demise
Ka-pow, Die
They stubble and fall
Bye bye
Backs to the wall
Aim high
We're having a ball
But victory does always come with price.

Some time, during that battle, I did not yet understand,
The Muggle Riddle family had met untimely end,
For their murder Morfin Gaunt arrested.

But no one had notice one little strange thing,
Tom Jr. somehow got a hold of Morfin's ring.
I had one theory that no one had tested.

No one could picture Tom use lethal hex
Ka-pow, Die
Make people fall
Bye bye
Backs to the wall
Aim high
We're having a ball
That's how the crimes are slipping through the cracks.

He did not grieve for the dearly departed,
With standards he learned, he easily parted,
Immediately, he forged a new brand plan to secure,
It was 1943, the year to remember, that is for sure,
For that is when the real trouble started.

Slug Club Meeting / The Art of Profit

To the tune of Charity Concert/The Art of the Possible

THE SCENE: Slughorn's party

So glad to see you here, my friends.
We celebrate as another year ends.
I saw your performance, your behavior and scores.
I can see that the power is truly yours.
I am but a humble helper to you all.

Horace never has to fight
Horace praises
Horace makes things light
Horace shifts from left to right
There is always a profit to make

Surprisingly Bad For You

To the tune of I'd Be Surprisingly Good For You

Tom stays behind while other students leave



Tom, my young friend, you show such promise.
(Professor, I owe You so much)
I'm amazed for I'm only a teacher. (a student)
I can not put talent in you. (Who learned from the best)
It's already there. (The best that he could)

But it is you who has the future so bright.

But it is you who brought us out into the light---
I have a question, professor.

Sure, Tom, ask away.

It's about Horcruxes.

You'd be very hard pushed to find a book on that, it's very dark magic, boy.

It seems crazy but you must believe
It's a spell that rips your soul in two.
You, my friend, are still a bit naive.
Not all power is good for you.
So try to believe.
This is bad for you.

The image shifts to the library, where Tom sits, writing the spell down in his diary. As he finishes, he steps out into the corridor and continues the song as he walks

Why that old fool would call me naïve,
When he is the one who fears new?
I don't miss the power I see,
I am very far from being through.
Much longer life can be good for you.
It can be surprisingly good for you.

Tom enters the bathroom and opens the secret door

Do you hear me my vicious friend?
Do you sense a snack that is at hand?
Do you want what I have got for you?
That is good for you too.

The basilisk emerges from the bathroom, just as a cabin opens and Myrtle comes out. Myrtle comes face to face with the basilisk and drops dead. Tom takes a diary out of his pocket and reads a spell. An image of Tom himself is formed in the air, it waves at him and then get sucked into the diary.The original Tom slightly changes in appearance, his eyes turn red, he turns pale.

TOM: (closing the diary)
Foolish girl would never realize,
She became but my first sacrifice,
She had nothing to achieve in life,
So, she had no need to strive.
An end to such life can be good for you.
It can be surprisingly good for you.

He exits the bathroom. From Myrtle's body emerges the spirit of Moaning Myrtle

Ones who drove me to early end,
You will feel sprit's vengeful hand.
I will see your end.
That the wrongs you've spread,
They will be bad for you too.

TOM (out in the corridor):
Go to sleep, my new other self,
You will spend years on the shelf.
A nice and long wait will be good for you.
It will be surprisingly good for you.

Hello And Goodbye

To the tune of Hello And Goodbye

TOM (enters Hagrid's room):
Hello and goodbye!
Your time is up, buddy.
I will no longer cover for you.
Your spider pet had just killed somebody
Which means you are gonna have to leave this school.
Don't act sad and surprised,
Let's stay friends, civilized.
Come on now, big man,
Don't sit here like a dummy,
The day we knew would come is here,
You'll survive.
So don't make sad face.
I like your conversation-
You've a catchy turn of phrase
You're obviously going through some half-gigantic phase.

HAGRID (exiting Dippett's office):
So what happens now?
So what happens now?
Where am I going to?

You'll get by. You always have before.

Where am I going to?

Dumbledore appears from around the corner and puts his hand on Hagrid's shoulder

Don't ask anymore.

A brief scene of Hagrid working with Ogg, followed by scene of Tom graduating

Tom's Latest Choices

To the tune of Peron's Latest Flame

DUMBLEDORE (at the teacher's lounge):
On the faculty of the Hogwarts school
I detect some displeasure

With our star student's choices.

We're glad you've noticed.

Taking on a job at Borgin and Burkes

Not a good choice

One place full of unpleasant quirks,
That involve the dark magic trinkets.

Ignored our voices

Such a shame he had abandoned our enclosure
How unfortunate this student has forced us to be blunt
No, we wouldn't mind seeing him running a store
But respectable one, not something like THAT

DUMBLEDORE: (at the Slug Club meeting)
Could there be at the Slug Club
A lack of enthusiasm for…


…fellow club member.

You said it, Dumby!

Should you wish to cause distress
At a party, make a mess,
Just get them to remember…

That isn't funny!

Riddle is a fool! Breaking every taboo,
Taking that job suitable for a slob,
Barely legal! The last straw.
He had cast a shadow onto all of us,
And now we feel like we're under magnified glass.
Just what is he looking for?
The evidence suggests
He has darkest interests.
If the things are what they seem,
He's exceptionally dim.
Fool! Embarrassing us!

We have allowed ourselves to slip
We have completely lost our grip
We have declined to an all-time low
Students' goals we don't know

TOM: (at the counter of the store)
I am but a humble salesman, here to sell the artifacts,
But as a Slytherin and Slug Club member count on me to know the facts.
Aren't you tired of the decline of
The Ministry, with no sign of
Respect for the power we all have?

It is no crime for Slytherin to do as they please,
As long as they are wise and keep clear of the disease,
We ignore, we disregard
But once they allow a bit on the side
To move to the center where they're not qualified
We are forced be on our guard
He should see that this wrong!
Where do Slytherins belong?!
He will never win respect!
What on earth does he expect?!
Fool! He has to suspect!

Another image emerges from the Pensieve: Alastor Moody catches up with Tom and Caractus Burke, just as they are about to enter the store

Some impressive artifacts you have collected.
Yet, there are some safety checks that you've neglected.
Well, I am here to inspect,
I take it laws you will respect.

With your superiors I've checked.
There is nothing to inspect.

Burke disappears into the store

MOODY: (trying to follow him)
You might think you've bribed your way out again.
Well, we are not done. You hope in vain...

Good night and thank you.

He slams the door into Moody's face

He is neck deep into darkest magic.
His fall from grace is completely tragic.
And we all must take the fall!
Can't he get it in his head,
That for all of us it's bad!
Thank to him the world has seen
The dark side of Slytherin!
The evidence suggests
He has darkest interests.
If the things are what they seem,
He's exceptionally dim.

Things have reached a pretty pass
Our students have lost class,
With dark magic on their minds,
Bringing trouble of all kinds.

New image emerges from the Pensieve: Tom is visiting Hepzibah, who is showing him the locket of Slytherin and the cup of Hufflepuff

New World of Magic

To the tune of A New Argentina

Now you see, my secrets are out.
Burke's been looking to get his hands on these.
I don't say he means harm, but he'd give and arm
To see me rest in peace.

It does not matter what my boss would say.
Your secret's safe with me. I promise you.
It's your property right here, any way.
No one could ever take these artifacts from you.

You do know, you have my respect,
I am here at your first demand,
And my help you always can expect,
Like that house elf awaiting your command.

Tom exits - enter Hokey with Hepzibah's cocoa

HEPZIBAH: (accepting the tea)
Then again, I might be foolish
Putting trust in that young man.
Even though he's surely quite charming
He is also so slick
Ones like him can be deceitful,
Anything can happen when,
Someone like that Tom can be
Just too disarming.

She takes a sip of her cocoa and drops dead. Tom enters, holding up the Ring of Marvolo. Tom mumbles a spell. An image of Tom himself is formed in the air, waves at him and gets sucked into the ring. The original Tom changes in appearance, yet more.

That little elf will take all the blame.
As for me, it's time to take a new path.
It's time for me to reveal my true name.
It's time for me to gain power and fame.
The greatest changes will be coming to pass.

He takes the locket of Slytherin and the cup of Hufflepuff and leaves. New image emerges from the Pensieve: Tom Riddle is now Lord Voldemort, leading a mob of followers, among them Bellatrix Black.

The new world of magic!
The chains of restriction untied!
The new world of magic!
The freedom of wizards can not be denied!

Listen to me, all who matter in the wizarding world!
Heir of Slytherin's here to rule as your Lord!
Ministry ran by the traitors who torture your race,
I with your help will be sure to crash and replace.
Dark Lord knows you!
He respects you!
Understands you!
Is one of you!
Or else, try to prove otherwise! MOB:

The new world of magic!
Pureblood's battle song!
The new world of magic!
The voices of pure ring loud and long!

A new image emerge: Bellatrix Black is now making her own speech to younger recruits

Listen to me, all the pure of blood in this world!
I speak to you as supporter of ways of Dark Lord!
It's time for us to regain the respect we deserve!
Dark Lord has offered us cause that we now should serve!

Dark Lord knows us!
He respects us!
Understands us!
Is one of us!
Or else, try to prove otherwise!

The new world of magic!
Pureblood's battle song!
The new world of magic!
The voices of pure ring loud and long!

New images emerge: Lord Voldemort is having a private discussion with his advisors, among them Nott

Then again, we might be foolish
Not to quit while we're ahead.
Your contributors are getting quite selective.
I can see us roll in gold,
Leading lives of ancient kings,
Resting far away from here, that's attractive.

You say that I should settle for bits,
When the world is at my fingertips.
I have spent my whole life preparing
The means to gain ultimate power and put them all under wraps
And now you are comparing
Me to those who settle for scraps.
Don't bother to think,
Just follow my lead.
All who stand in our way we'll bit,
We'll destroy them.
Think--would I have done, what I did
If I had any doubts, if I hadn't known
I will take this country!

FERNIR GREYBACK: (in the werewolf underground)
Listen to me all the werewolves of magical world.
It's time for us to ally ourselves with Dark Lord.
Wizards oppressed us, they forced us to live underground.
Now it's time to fight back, turn the tables around.

Dark Lord knows us!
He respects us!
Understands us!
He is like us!
Or else, try to prove otherwise.

The new world of magic!
The werewolves' fighting song!
The new world of magic!
The wolves vengeful howling rigs loud and long!

FRIDWULFA: (in mountains speaking before the giants, among them Golgomath)
Listen to me, all the giants of magical world.
It's time for us to ally ourselves with Dark Lord.
Wizards oppressed us, they managed to drive us away.
Now it's time to return, we are here to stay.

Dark Lord knows us!
He respects us!
Understands us!
He is like us!
Or else, try to prove otherwise.

The new world of magic!
The giants' fighting song!
The new world of magic!
The stomps on the ground ring loud and long!

How annoying that he has to fight elections for his cause
The inconvenience--having to get a majority.
If normal methods of persuasion fail to win him applause
There are other ways of establishing authority.

The new world of magic!
The chains of restrictions untied!
The new world of magic!
The freedom of wizards can not be,
And will not be,
And must not be denied!

The Dark Lord's Speech

To the tune of On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada

Wizards, true to the cause, your Dark Lord will address you!

Dark Lord! Dark Lord!
Dark Lord! Dark Lord!
Dark Lord! Dark Lord!
Dark Lord! Dark Lord!

I am Lord Voldemort! And I welcome you, my Death Eaters!
To fight against our common enemies:
The mublods, the muggle-lovers, the blood traitors!
Reaching toward our common goals:
Our purity! Our dignity! Our pride!
Let the world know that the wizard kind is awakening,
Clean of the muggle filth, unwilling to hide itself,
Driven it's new protectors, the Death Eaters!
I am Lord Voldemort!

Suddenly Dumbledore's voice rings in Voldemort's head

Tom Riddle! Tom Riddle!

Voldemort shakes his head to make it go away and Disapparates. A new image emerges from the Pensieve: A group of students at Hogwarts grounds, among them Bertha Jorkins, Lilly Evans and the Marauders

Dark Lord's Publication

To the tune of On the Balcony of the Casa Rosada II

BERTHA: (reading from a paper)
"I am the heir of Slytherin, who is willing and capable
To lead this noble crusade and rescue the wizardry.
I was once as you are now.
And I promise you this.
We will rid you of the Ministry who favors Muggles over their own - over you.
And one day you will inherit the treasures, pure-bloods.
When we unleash the true power of magic that had been suppressed.
Not just for the Death Eater, for all of you."

MARAUDERS: (applaud mawkishly)
Things have reached a pretty path,
When the wizards with no class,
With dark magic on their minds
Can bring trouble of all kinds!

But Muggle-born like us are the targets!
Look who they are calling for now!

The image moves to the other end of the grounds, where teenage Severus Snape is addressing a group of younger Slytherin students

Dark Lord is everything!
He's the soul, the nerve, the hope and the
Reality of the pure-blood wizards.
We all know that there is only
One wizard in our movement with his own source of power.
We all feed from his power and that is Dark Lord.

Dark Lord! Our true Master!

The image shifts to window of a tower, DUMBLEDORE is standing on the other side of it

Come visit us, Tom Riddle!
Come visit us!

Our True Master

To the tune of Partido Feminista

The image moves to the other end of the grounds, where teenage Severus Snape is addressing a group of younger Slytherin students, among them Regulus Black

Dark Lord! Our true Master!

Dark Lord is everything!
He's the soul, the nerve, the hope and the
Reality of the pure-blood wizards.
We all know that there is only
One wizard in our movement with his own source of power.
We all feed from his power, and that is Dark Lord.

Dark Lord! Our true Master!

The Pensieve produces images of a gathering of Death Eaters presided over by Voldemort himself

REGULUS (kneeling before Voldemort):
Forgive me, master, but fine as your statements sound,
Little has changed for us, wizards down on the ground.
I hate to sound childish, ungrateful, I don't like to moan
But do you now represent anyone's cause but your own?

You'll soon see the might of my organization.

New Recruits Kept Rolling in from Every Station

To the tune of And The Money Kept Rolling In

And the new recruits kept rolling in from every station.

The Pensieve produces images of the death of Mr. Thomas (Dean's father)

Voldemort's long hands reached out and they reached wide.
Now, you might feel like it should be voluntary cause,
But that's not the point, my friends.
When recruits keep rolling in you don't ask why,
You observe their dedication walking by.
Voldemort had called the pure-bloods to him - opened up the door.
No one inspired them as much as their Dark Lord.

The Pensieve produces the image of marching Death Eaters

Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling on in.

The Pensieve produces an image of a Dark Mark hanging over the McKinnon house

Would you like in Dark Arts education?
Chance to catch some Muggles and release all your frustration?
Voldemort can make those dreams for you come true.
Here's all you have to do my friends.
Take the Dark Mark on your arm that's your connection.
Once it burns, it means you're invited in on action.
Just walk in the nearest Muggle home, and show the world
What awaits all those who don't love your Lord Voldemort.

Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling on in.

The Pensieve produces images of dementors gliding through the streets, werewolves prowling about and giants tearing buildings down

The recruits kept coming in, giants, werewolves, dementors.
Rather than be victims they would be tormentors.
Now cynics claim that some have gone astray,
But that's not the point, my friends.
When recruits keep coming in you can't set hooks.
You can tell that they did well from terrified looks.
Deals can only slow things down, questions get in the way.
No one forged more dedication than their Dark Lord.

Rolling! Rolling! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling! Rolling!
Rolling on in.

The Pensieve produces an image of Frenir Greyback transforming


When recruits keep coming in you can't set hooks.
You can tell that they did well from terrified looks.
Deals can only slow things down, questions get in the way.
Now one could hold them tighter than their Dark Lord.

Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling! Rolling ! Rolling!
Rolling on in.

The Pensieve produces an image of Dumbledore standing on a tower

Come visit us, Tom Riddle!
Come visit us!

High Flying, Adored

To the tune of the same name

High flying, adored, the new established Dark Lord
All wise and powerful thing, a cross between
A nightmare and the savior to so many
You were just a sad little boy
Hustling and fighting
Scratching and biting
High flying, adored, did you believe in your wildest moments
All this would be yours, that you'd become the master of them all?
Were there stars in your eyes when you rolled up at night
On your little bank at the orphanage?
Well, may be you did.
Don't look down, it's a long, long way to fall

High flying, adored, what happens now, where do you go from here?
For someone on top of the world, the view is not exactly clear
A shame you did it all through the rage of the rest.
There are no mysteries now
Nothing can thrill you
No-one fulfill you
High flying, adored, I hope you come to terms with boredom
So famous, so easily, so soon, is not the wisest thing to be
You won't care if they love you, it's been done before
You'll despair if they hate you
You'll be drained of all energy
All the young who've made it would agree

High flying, adored, that's good to hear, but unimportant
My story's quite usual, heritage discovered in a little boy, who becomes a man
It was slap in the right place at the perfect time
Filled a gap--I was lucky
But one thing I'll say for me
No-one else can fill it like I can

Death Eaters Worldwide

To the tune of Rainbow Tour

The Pensieve produces an image of Voldemort and several of his followers apparating in the Himalayas, preparing to recruit new followers all over Europe

Wizards of Europe! Your new Lord and master is here!

The Pensieve produces another image: Other Death Eaters, among them Bellatrix and Regulus, are gathered to hear the news from Europe

LUCIUS MALFOY (Apparating in)
Russia has fallen to the charms of our master
He can do what he likes - it doesn't matter much
He is the wizard with the golden touch
He filled a bull-ring--forty-five thousand seater,
But it isn't really that hard for powerful Death Eater.

Wizards of Russia are wound up on purity
So we've just acquired allies
An alliance with security
But more important, they include giants,
That race is phenomenal asset
A weapon

Let's hear it for the Dark Lord's tour
It's been an incredible success
We weren't quite sure, we had a few doubts.......

Are we now worldwide?

But the answer is yes!

There you are, I told you so
Makes no difference where he goes
The whole world over--just the same
Just look how much they fear his name
And who would underestimate our master now?

NOTT (Apparating in)
Now I don't like to spoil a wonderful story
But the news from France isn't quite as good
It hasn't gone down like we thought it would
Franc's unconvinced by our master's glory
They equate him with Grindelwald

REGULUS (aside)
Can't think why

Those traitors won't get away with it!
We'll yet give them a real show!

REGULUS (aside)
Why, dear cousin, you should really try that.
I think you should go and get started right now.

AVERY (Apparating in)
Good news from Bulgaria, We've met the Wizengamot,
Some of them had welcomed us with kind words
I wouldn't say that all of them would fall for Dark Lord
But we've got what we needed.
Master looked the part for the media,
Caught the eye.

Let's hear it for the Dark Lord's tour
It's been an incredible success
We weren't quite sure, we had a few doubts.......

Are we now worldwide?

But the answer is…

REGULUS (aside)
...a qualified…


MULCIBER (Apparating in)
We started well no doubt in Germany.
Local goblins were going through a nasty haze.
We just gave them a reminder of good old days.
We could've lured them in, we sure had the chance,
But someone else suddenly caught their interest.
We've been spotted.

Face the facts, the situation changed for the worst
I don't think we'll make it to Romania now

It wasn't on the schedule anyhow

Time to get out the flags and fix a parade
Some kind of coming home in triumph
Is required.

Let's hear it for the Dark Lord's tour
It's been an incredible success
We weren't quite sure, we had a few doubts.......

Are we now worldwide?

But the answer is…


REGULUS (aside)
And no.


REGULUS (aside)
And no.

And yes.

REGULUS (aside)

Regulus quietly slips out

Let's hear it for the Dark Lord's tour
It's been an incredible success
We weren't quite sure, we had a few doubts.......

Are we now worldwide?

But the answer is…



The Pensieve produces an image of Dumbledore standing on a tower

Come visit us, Tom Riddle!
Come visit us!

Interview with Voldemort

To the tune of Waltz for Eva and Che

The images from the Pensieve return to the 1950s: Voldemort in Dumbledore's office, applying for the teaching job

Tell me before I put end to this meeting,
Before we part once and for all,
Forgive me for being so forward,
But did you expect me to buy it at all?
There is one thing I can not get clear:
How can you call yourself teacher,
When we both know
You plan on recruiting new blood for your movement right here?

Tell me before I ride off into sunset,
Before it's all part of my past,
Are you not the one who had taught me
The ways to gain power, the way it will last?
Tell me before you get back on you high horse,
In what way am I worse than you?
We both are teaching a new way of leaving
It's not the same one
But they both bring progress, accepting some losses as they go through.

There's power, ever round fundamental.
The concept of ethics is quite incidental.

So what are my chances
Of honest advances?
We both know
It's better to win
By committing a sin
Than to lose with a halo

Tell me before I just search through the Hogs Head
And discover your little brigade,
Just why are you hear applying,
When different plans you already have made?

Allow me to save you the trouble,
I will walk right out of here
But first it is fare to warn you:
You have won some time,
But I still have more time.
And I will outlive you,
For now I leave you,
But I do still have many years.

There's power, ever round fundamental.
The concept of ethics is quite incidental.

Then go, if you're able
To somewhere unstable
And stay there
Whip up your hate
In some tottering state
But not here,
Is that clear,

Voldemort walks out. The image goes forward to the 1970s: Snape eavesdropping on the conversation at the Hog's Head

We thought our Lord can never fall,
But this prophecy interferes,
Oh, our master!
What's awaiting us all,
With a leader destined to fall?
A serious flaw - I hope you know that.

The Prophecy Discovered

To the tune of Your Little Body's Slowly Breaking Down

SNAPE: (standing before Voldemort)
The prophecy speaks of the Chosen One,
The boy that's born as the seventh month dies,
He'll have the power that exceeds your own,
Son of parents, who defined you three times,
That boy, in the future shall make you the past,
You face that one in battle, it will be your last.

It has not happened yet - I still have the time.
I know who's son it is talking about,
And I do know
Who those people are!
Can anyone tell me
How to find them?
Don't you forget all opponents I've faced, and yet
I'm still standing.

Master, they are well hidden.

So what happens now?
Where am I going to?

Don't ask any more.

Peter and Voldemort leave for Godric's Hollow

We Must Still Love Him

To the tune of You Must Love Me

DEATH EATERS: (realizing that their Master is not coming back)
Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be.
We had it all
We believed we'll see
Our dreams come true

Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive
How do we keep all our passions alive
As we used to do?

Somewhere he is still concealing
Things he was planning to say
What are we all now feeling
Frightened of each next day
We're all done for
We're all done for

Well, we are still on his side.
We will still find him somehow.
Give us a chance and we'll let you see how
Nothing has changed.

The Aurors must be concealing
Where he could've gone
We'll make them feel what we're feeling
From us they'll quickly learn
We must still love him
We must still love him
We must still love him

They walk off to search

Voldemort's Rebirth

To the tune off Eva's Final Broadcast

New image emerges from the Pensieve: Peter Petegrew in Albania.

The Seer hasn't seen what's hidden here.
I will save my master.
He can go on living in his own restored body.

A new image emerges from the Pensieve: Voldemort arising from the cauldron

I want too tell the friends who still stand by me,
I have returned to rightfully reclaim
All the honors and titles you've pressed me to take,
For I'm contented to still fight and go on,
As the wizard who has brought his people a hope for the new world,
Ran by wizards pure of blood.

Don't cry for your cause, it is living.
The truth is I shall not leave you
Though it may get harder
In coming battle
I'm your leader
And always will be

Have I said enough? There's nothing more I can think
of to say to you
But all you have to do is look at me to know that every
word is true

The images get sucked back into the Pensieve - The image changes back to Dumbledore's present self, standing over the Pensieve

He had his moments--he had some style
The best show in town was the crowd
Out in the streets people crying, for their Dark Lord
It's all starting over now--

Dumbledore's Conclusion

To the tune of Lament

Another image of Voldemort appears in the Pensieve

The choice was mine and mine completely
I could have any prize that I desired
I could burn light up the flames of the brightest fire
Or else--or else I could choose time
Remember I have overcome the death itself
And now I live another day
So what use is knowing my secret to you?
It is too late I am on my way

And now I live! My flames now shine!
And very soon the world will be mine!

The choice was yours and no one else's
Your corpse you've managed to repair
Your heart and sole are no longer there
To shine, or dazzle, or betray.
For now you live, but your secret's out
And soon your power will be gone

Time of the prophecy is coming about.
Way to end your rein we did preserve.
The greater power is out.
Soon you will get what you deserve.

Harry Potter the Musical(s)

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